How Does Alcohol Affect Your Hormones

Nicole Forgione 7 March 2023

Alcohol consumption can have a profound effect on female hormones, which can impact fertility, menstrual cycles, overall reproductive health and be a major contributor to menopausal symptoms. Let’s explore some of the ways that alcohol can affect female hormones.


Alcohol can disrupt the delicate balance of oestrogen and progesterone, two of the main hormones involved in the menstrual cycle. This can lead to irregular periods or even a complete cessation of periods, a condition known as amenorrhea. Irregular periods can make it difficult to predict ovulation and can make it harder to conceive. In addition, alcohol can also decrease fertility by affecting ovulation and disrupting the implantation of fertilized eggs.


Alcohol consumption can increase the risk of developing breast cancer. Oestrogen is a hormone that is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, and alcohol consumption has been shown to increase circulating estrogen by up to 200%. This increased estrogen can stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells, leading to an increased risk of developing breast cancer.


Alcohol can cause liver damage, which can have an impact on hormonal balance. The liver is responsible for metabolizing hormones, including oestrogen and progesterone. When the liver is damaged, it may not be able to properly metabolize these hormones, leading to an accumulation of oestrogen in the body.


Alcohol consumption can also lead to an increased risk of osteoporosis, a condition where bones become weak and brittle. Oestrogen plays a critical role in bone health, and low levels of oestrogen can lead to an increased risk of osteoporosis. Alcohol can decrease the levels of healthy oestrogen in the body, which can contribute to the development of osteoporosis.


As you can see alcohol consumption can have a significant impact on female hormones, which can have far-reaching effects on overall hormonal health. If you choose to drink alcohol, it is important to do so in moderation and to be aware of the potential risks and side effects. If you are experiencing symptoms related to hormonal imbalances or reproductive health, it is important to speak with your healthcare provider to determine the best course of treatment for your individual needs.


If you’d like help addressing your alcohol intake please reach out to see how I can support you. Check out my 28 day AF Program HERE:

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Want to know more about the effects of alcohol on your hormones and ways to reduce your consumption? Here is 3 ways I can help:


1. Join my private Facebook group Hormones in Harmony. Click here to request to join.

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2. Ready to jump in and change your drinking habits? Join my self paced 28 Day AF Kickstart Program. 

Join 28 Day AF Kisckstart program $97

3. Work with me privately in a personalised coaching package. Book a FREE initial session to see how I can help you.

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