Limiting beliefs.

A limiting belief is a belief that you have about yourself that limits your ability to do something or restricts you in some way. Limiting beliefs are generally not fact and at one point in time you decided you couldn’t do something. Some common examples are ‘I’m not good enough’, ‘I’m not smart enough’, ‘It’s too hard’ and ‘I don’t have enough time’.


Let’s look at ‘I’m not good enough’. At some point in time, most likely when you weren’t mature enough to make sense of the big wide world, something happened. You decided you weren’t good enough and carried that through with you. And because you now believe this, your mind is filtering for information to confirm your belief. Your mind is a powerful tool and its only trying to keep you ‘safe’. Perhaps that limiting belief was helpful when you needed it at age 5 but now that you’re a grown adult its probably time to let that one go.


The key here is to ask yourself some questions and find evidence to contradict the statement. ‘When have I been enough?’ There will be times in your life when you were enough, you just aren’t filtering for it. Get out pen and paper and write it down. You’ll start to see there are plenty of times in your life when you have been enough, you just weren’t focused on them.


Get clear on what you believe you are not good enough for. ‘What am I not good enough for?’ ‘Is it all the time or some of the time?’ What would you like to feel instead of not good enough? Think of times in your life when you have felt enough and what emotions you felt, satisfied, empowered, confident and life felt perfectly aligned and access those resources. Anchor those feelings, knowing you can access them anytime. The more you start filtering for positive events and emotions the more your unconscious will seek them out. The mind is a powerful tool.


When I work 1:1 with my clients we spend a lot of time working on limiting decisions and beliefs. We go back to the root cause using hypnotherapy and NLP techniques to clear when that decision was made. You can’t believe something unless you decided to start believing it. Therefore if you can believe it you can unbelieve it!!

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Want to know more about getting rid of limiting beliefs that are no longer serving you or are holding you back? Here is 3 ways I can help:


1. Join my private Facebook group Hormones in Harmony. Click here to request to join.

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2. Watch my free training on Mastering Hormones during menopause.

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3. Work with me privately in a personalised coaching package. Book a FREE initial session to see how I can help you.

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